Friday, February 25, 2011




Our evolved PISCES nature is always sensitive, and more often than not, lovingly helpful and insightful regarding the plight of most. PISCES is naturally psychic and nearly always compassionate.  With PISCES there can also be a  need to avoid becoming a human garbage pail for the ills of the world. It seems almost everyone pours out his or her troubles upon discovering a sympathetic listener.  PISCES is ever ready to listen and usually eager to run to the rescue on a cold, rainy or snowy night to lend a coat and cloak!  When in serious need, the PISCES friend should be the first one you call, since LOVING DEVOTION and willing SACRIFICE are second nature in these tenderhearted beings. 

The MYSTIC DREAMER in everyone enjoys the rapturous beauty of a sunset, the harmonic notes of a symphony, and the Divine Cord in Nature.  After all, DREAMS are the stuff that life is made of through the strokes of a brush, the sound of a note, or the graceful movements of dance.  PISCES is a natural dancer, naturally artistic and creative. The POET or LYRICIST with a tragic tale to tell or aria to wail, since more often than not the life of PISCES tends to take on the essence of a soap opera with abundant opportunity for clandestine intrigue, the taste of forbidden fruit being an innate pleasure, along with profuse weeping of tears in times of joy or suffering. 

The world we live in is filled with soap opera plots and the stuff of DREAMS.  Every single thing in our modern world was once a thought, an idea or dream in the mind of someone.  Key 18, THE MOON, PISCES the dreamer, represents INSPIRATION from invisible worlds that lowers its vibration to become the stuff of physical manifestation. Without the DREAMER, there would be no DREAM and no manifestation of life in this world as we know it.

FORGIVENESS is associated with Key 18, THE MOON, a true aspect of our evolved PISCES nature.  In the process of spiritual evolution it is necessary to FORGIVE even those who may not necessarily seek forgiveness.  Through the acquisition of UNDERSTANDING and the development of a COMPASSIONATE HEART, it is far easier to FORGIVE those who have seemingly trespassed against us and even to FORGIVE our self for our ignorant mistakes or our lack of awareness in terms of past actions foolishly undertaken.

On Key 18, THE MOON, is the EVOLUTIONARY PATH of the reincarnating soul.  Out of the Great Sea of Consciousness the crayfish struggles to find the path that leads toward the mountaintop of illumination and SELF discovery.  The Path winds over hill and dale between the Wolf and the Dog, symbols of the Animal Vital Soul, wild and tame.  The Path is midway between the two extremes, a pictorial lesson for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  It is the yellow brick road, the straight and narrow way, the middle path, for the EVOLUTIONARY PATH is called by many names, yet it is One Path with one purpose, a truly noble purpose for everyone.

In the sign of PISCES is the co-rulership of the planet JUPITER, Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, and the planet NEPTUNE, Key 12, THE HANGED MAN.  As the Father of the Gods, JUPITER governs the laws of EVOLUTIONARY LIFE.  On the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, Key 10, are pictorial images for the process of EVOLUTION the mineral, vegetable, animal and human aspects of Creation moving toward SUPERCONSCIOUS AWARENESS in circling the WHEEL of LIFE.  Life is cyclic in all aspects throughout the seasons of the year, as well as through the seasons of human existence.  Everything is a learning process, which is governed by JUPITER, or Higher Mind, in the unfolding of knowledge that leads to wisdom.  On the Qabalistic Tree of Life JUPITER rules the sphere of MERCY and COMPASSION.

With Key 12, THE HANGED MAN, NEPTUNE, we have the principle of SACRIFICE or “letting go and letting God.”  On this key is the SACRIFICED GOD, a mythical allegory that heralds from ancient times. It is necessary to sacrifice the little ego to the greater good to express the true SELF.  In the sacrifice of the little ego the greater SELF is expressed through the soul.  Each soul is evolving toward this ultimate Reality, though some remain far from the foothills that lead up the Mountain.  Many wander in the fog and delusion of the lower vibrations of NEPTUNE, drugging the mind and the senses, keeping the Soul in a state of sleep, awaiting the kiss of the Prince (of Higher Consciousness) beyond the Towers of human construction on Key 18.  The Mountaintop of Illumination is beyond the constructs of humanity in the finer realm of the Divine.  Order THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan, 7 x 10 Trade Paperback, 464 pages, and learn the greater meaning for this Tarot card and the rest of the TAROT MAJOR ARCANA. 

My memoir is also available: COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous. 6 x 9 Trade Paperback, 418 pages, with pictures of my celebrity clients.

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