Friday, September 16, 2011


REINCARNATION - Evolution of the Soul

In my Qabalistic tradition, the sign of LEO, Key 8, STRENGTH, among other things, represents REINCARNATION. The Astrological 5th House in the mundane horoscope is LEO, the house of youthful romance, children, theater, sports, recreation, and even politics. This is the position of GENERATION and REGENERATION on the Stage of Life. You can think of it as the role in which you are cast for your present lifetime. It is interesting to note that I've been taught that we come in through the 9th house (Sagittarius in mundane astrology), live our lives through the 1st house (Aries in mundane astrology) and we go out through the 5th house after completing our sojourn in the 4th house at the end of our life. In that sense, the 5th house is our exit from this life and our entrance upon another stage in the Evolution of the Soul, hopefully, a vacation from the hustle bustle of earthly life for at least few years.

There are varying opinions as to how long it is before the soul REINCARNATES. In some Buddhist circles they say the soul reincarnates within 48 hours or two days. Another sect claims that the soul attaches to a new embryo within 49 days in preparation for another lifetime on the planet. Even the Buddhists believe that we choose our parents and our new life situations in order to fulfill our new destiny. At the Builders of the Adytum where I was a student for 20 years I was told that evolving souls tend to stay out of the body for twice as many years as they were in a body on the planet. I like that idea, considering all the chaos on the planet at the current time. Masters are known to stay on the Inner Planes for 500 to 1,000 years. Now that is really smart, in my opnion.  Life in a physical body is not all fun and games as the 5th house of LEO suggests.

Actually, Key 8, STRENGTH, also represents the POWER OF SUGGESTION that is so popular with all the life coaches encouraging people to visualize for the best for their lives, and of course, people should. It often requires childlike imagining and pretending to make life better, in addition to childlike faith in oneself and the future. This Key of the Tarot Major Arcana also involves developing strength of character, the courage and fortitude of LEO, the Lion, King of the Beasts. Young children have that sort of courage if they're not beaten down and discouraged through poor parenting, but that may also be the karma of the soul involved in such a situation. Obstacles and challenges grow the soul. How many children do you know who gave up on learning how to walk after taking a few steps and falling on his or her tush? I doubt you hear many children saying, "I'm never trying that again!" How about learning to tie their shoes? I remember I had to try that again and again before my fingers finally seemed to move in the right way, but I'm awfully glad my mother made me learn and I certainly felt very proud when I finally did it right! In meeting the challenges of adult life we often have to become as a child again or at least to call upon our childlike determination and enthusiasm to see us through some patterns.

The number 8 is the number of Infinity and of the octave of sound that creates everything, including you and me as the atoms of life vibrate to sustain all Creation. Interestingly, our solar systems moves through a figure 8 as it revolves and evolves through our galaxy in an astrological age. Key 8, LEO, also rules the spine wherein the Kundalini universal evolutionary is active or dormant, as the case may be. It is the rousing and refining of the Kundalini serpent power through your seven sacred chakras that transforms you from an ordinary mortal into an eventual Master of life. The 8th house of the zodiac is Scorpio which rules the sexual organs and the energy necessary for all members of the animal kingdom to reproduce so that souls might evolve and reincarnate. Children again. Reproduction. Evolution.

Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is JUPITER, our protector planet, the principles of earthly and Universal Law that governs all forms of life and Creation itself. The principles of EVOLUTION are depicted in the symbology on this key with the symbols for the four fixed signs of the Zodiac in the four corners. Upper right is the Eagle, higher symbol of SCORPIO, the power of reproduction and transformation. Lower right is the symbol of the lion for LEO, which represents the heart and the spine, for without a normal heart a human being cannot exist on the planet, with the highest aspect of the heart being LOVE and COMPASSION. In the lower left corner is the bull of TAURUS, which rules our ability to hear and to speak, primarily human traits on the evolutionary path of Spirit. Communication through speech is the privilege of humankind. In the upper left corner is the human angel for the sign of AQUARIUS, the sign of Humanity itself. And it seems to me that many mortals on the planet have not yet reached the point of being called truly human or humane. The human race is still evolving toward that universal level of existence. 

Key 19, THE SUN, represents the SUN itself, which is the source of light and life on our planet. Primitive man worshipped the Sun as the source of light and warmth and life. This Key also represents the ability of each human being to reach SELF REALIZATION on the evolutionary path through the process of reincarnating on a higher and higher level of the evolutionary spiral with each new lifetime by performing good works and living an exemplary life. All true spiritual Masters are Heart Masters, known as Masters of Compassion. This is the Buddhist principle of the Bodhisattva, the Heart Master. This is the level all shall reach one day. 

Please enjoy your journey!        


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


In my training at the Builders of the Adytum, The Temple of Sacred Tarot and Holy Qabalah, Key 5, The Hierophant (or Pope) is assigned to the sign of TAURUS. The parts of the body ruled by Taurus are the ears, neck, lower jaw, larnyx and esophagus. It is through the Taurus portion of the body that human beings are able to hear and to speak in order to express their thoughts and their feelings. The ears are a very important consideration in connection with the spiritual axiom: LISTEN TO THE STILL SMALL VOICE WITHIN. On the other hand, TAURUS is a fixed Earth sign that is known to be highly sensual in nature, and the fact of the matter is, INTUITION, governed by this Key of the Tarot Major Arcana, "speaks" to us through the cells of our body. It is the "feelings" or "hunches" we get that tend to help to guide us along the truly right path in our individual lives. Pay close attention to your instincts and feelings at all times and you will not regret it.

The Wheel of Fortune, Key 10, is JUPITER, the Greater Benefic as it is known in astrology, and JUPITER is exalted in the sign of Cancer which governs the stomach, and on a more spiritual level governs the chakra at the Solar Plexus. This spiritual center also has a great deal to do with our basic instincts and with receiving higher guidance from the more subtle realms of the Inner Planes. It is a matter of listening to our "gut" we might say, since the solar plexus is the 'body's brain.' Has anyone ever said or done something to you that made you feel as though you had been hit in your solar plexus or stomach? Have you ever been emotionally upset to the point where you couldn't eat or tended to eat too much? The Solar Plexus, or JUPITER chakra, is the spiritual center of POWER. Most souls need to learn to govern their emotions (associated with this center) before they can truly move up into the higher expressions of LOVE and COMPASSION associated with the Heart Chakra, of ultimately, the Masters of Compassion.   

In the natal horoscope, JUPITER represents gifts or rewards, and sometimes the easy way out in our idnvidudal charts. The area in which we may express ourselves with the greatest ease and accomplishment. The place where we may actually be 'gifted.' JUPITER is HIGHER MIND, the Higher Self, guiding us on our paths. Therefore, perhaps you can see how the transit of JUPITER in TAURUS is a true blessing, perhaps more especially for those born with the SUN in TAURUS. And yet, for all of us, actually, in some respect.

The transit of JUPITER in TAURUS is an opportunity for every soul living on the planet to expand or refine his or her INTUITION and gain a greater connection or awareness of HIGHER MIND or the Higher Self, which is where every soul is ultimately headed someday in some lifetime. Of course, individual charts need to be taken into consideration, although we are all cells in the greater life of the planet and of the solar system and of the Universe in which we live and have our Being. Therefore, we all may participate in the general expansion of consciousness with this transit. 

During this transit it is an excellent time for meditation and any other sort of practice that expands the mind. It is a good time for any level of study or education in your chosen field to enhance your talents and skills in almost any area of expression to bring great happiness to yourself and to others. This is also an excellent time to save money and to have a practical attitude toward spending in general. The current trine of JUPITER with PLUTO should also help to improve the economy in general during this year and most of next. 

Tremendous spiritual growth is possible at this time, so please try to apply yourself in that direction and you will not be disappointed. Listen to the Hierophant, your true INTUITION, and expand your awareness of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS in order to be of service to yourself and to all, thereby assisting in your spiritual evolution and the spiritual evolution of all sentient beings on our magnificent planet!    


Thursday, May 26, 2011


KEY 6 – The Lovers 



TAROT KEY 6, THE LOVERS, is assigned to GEMINI, THE TWINS, with the important key words: I THINK. The symbolism on this KEY depicts ADAM and EVE in the GARDEN OF EDEN, with the ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL above, as a symbol of SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS — HIGHER MIND or the HIGHER SELF. RAPHAEL is the ARCHANGEL OF HEALING, which hints at the healing hands of GEMINI, and yet, alludes to the POWER of MIND, mental healing. Thoughts are things for good or ill. On an esoteric level, the GEMINI Twins represent your Right and Left brain, your feminine or intuitive gray matter on the right side, and your masculine or logical gray matter on the left side. Getting our masculine and feminine aspects of consciousness in harmony is one of our greatest challenges on the planet!  And our relationships with the opposite sex are an absolute reflection of this principle on a personal level! 

Zain is the Hebrew letter assigned to this Key, which is the SWORD of INTELLECT (the Ace of Swords) that rules GEMINI, the self-conscious mind. This depicts humanity's beta level of consciousness, which is directed toward externals affairs and objects in the physical world. The Sword of the Mental Plane may be used to ennoble, as in the knightly bestowing of a title, blessing or prayer, or to destroy by engaging in irrational worry, mean-spirited blame, or loathing. When Christ cursed the fig tree he was demonstrating the power of negative thought to his disciples. When he healed, he was demonstrating the power of positive thought.  Black Magic. White Magic. It is the Power of Mind that heals or destroys, blesses or curses, especially when charged with strong emotion for good or ill. This healing or destroying is something we can do to our selves and/or to others. On the physical plane, the Tarot Sword becomes the surgeon’s knife used to remove a tumor or diseased organ or tissue, or perchance a weapon that defends or destroys. The metaphysical principles of Tarot may be applied on all planes of expression and existence from the highest to the lowest. 

SELF-CONSCIOUS AWARENESS is the aspect of consciousness that sets Humanity apart from the rest of the animal kingdom, the ability to make CHOICES and DECISIONS, the same ability that got humankind in trouble in the first place, according to the biblical account. Note the symbolism on KEY 6, THE LOVERS.  We see Eve, a symbol of the unconscious aspect of mind, standing in front of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with the forbidden fruit, and the clever Serpent of Temptation coiled around it. (More on Satan later.) While Adam, the symbol of the self-conscious mind, stands in front of the Tree of Everlasting Life that bears a flame for each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.  In the distance between the lovers (subconsciousness and self-consciousness), we see the mountain of Attainment toward which Humanity strives—the mountaintop of ENLIGHTENMENT and SELF REALIZATION. 

And yet, in Tarot symbolism, Adam and Eve have turned their backs to the mountain, which illustrates a lack of awareness of the need to even begin the sacred journey—and so it remains with most. We only have to watch the news or read the newspapers to discover how far humankind still is from full ENLIGHTENMENT, the constant connection with the HIGHER SELF necessary for our greatest good and highest attainment. It is also important to note that on KEY 6, THE LOVERS, Adam (self-consciousness) looks to Eve (sub-consciousness) while Eve looks to the Angel (Super-consciousness) for guidance and direction.  Here is an important symbolic message for those with sufficient sensitivity to the learning process.

It is essential for SELF-CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, meaning every living soul, to eventually awaken to his or her true capabilities and divine birthright, and in the process, to make DECISIONS based upon right DISCRIMINATION.  DISCRIMINATION is an important word associated with KEY 6.  GEMINI is an Air sign and governs breath, the lungs, shoulders, collarbone, arms and hands, plus the nervous system and the sense of smell.  Most GEMINIS are blessed with an extraordinary sense of smell.  This sense raised to a higher spiritual level involves the Power of Discernment and keen DISCRIMINATION. 

When Shakespeare’s Hamlet spoke of “something being rotten in the state of Denmark” he wasn’t talking about a physical odor but the reprehensible character of a close relation.  When we say a situation or a person “stinks,” we aren’t using the word in a literal sense, but figuratively, based upon the power of discernment in making a judgment.  For this reason, it is always wise to allow the Angel, or Higher Self, to guide us in all our ways. The actual truth of the matter is that, even our seemingly indiscriminate or ill chosen DECISIONS or CHOICES ultimately lead us to a path that will eventually bring about complete SELF REALIZATION.  It is just that we can reach the top of the mountain faster and easier by avoiding the potholes and detours caused by an immature ego ignoring direction from the Higher Self.  Thoughtless, irresponsible choices and selections definitely set up roadblocks that keep us from reaching one or several goals during our lifetime.  This can be true on many levels at every stage along the way.  Why not start paying closer attention to the Higher Self today?  Why not consciously embark upon the sacred journey? For on the highest level this represents THE MYSTICAL MARRIAGE of consciousness.

THIS IS A GREAT KEY FOR MEDITATION if you have an important decision to make. More later!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


URANUS in ARIES will provide a 7 year opportunity for you to change your focus and reorganize your thoughts. URANUS, Key 0, THE FOOL, represents your eternally youthful soul venturing forth into the Valley of 3-Dimensional Experience. In the left hand of the youth is a white rose of pure desire. The left side of the human body is governed by the right brain, the intuitive, creative aspect of consciousness. In the right hand the youth carries a knapsack thrown over his shoulder that contains all the essentials of past experience to assist him/her on a new adventure in the World of the Manifest.

The white dog in the card is a symbol of our playful intellect, the self-conscious mind that tends to quickly rush from one thought to another. The octagon (8) wheels on the the cloak of the youth represent the motion of the chakras and hint at the octave of sound (In the beginning was the WORD and the word was made flesh--Sound and motion create the Universe). Yellow is the color of Mercury, another symbol of the intellect. The light green is associated with springtime of Venus bringing forth new growth in terms of vegetation on the planet, the blossoming forth and fulfillment of desire.

The white Sun is the Spiritual Sun behind all outward manifestation. The snowcapped moutains in the distance represent past and future accomplishments for the journeying soul. Snow is the crystalized, or fixed water, of Scorpio, the sign of desire and the reproductive nature. Crystalization also has to do with spirit taking on form in the World of the Manifest. And interestingly enough, each snow flake is unique in it hexagonal, 6-pointed expression, as each soul is unique in self-expression. As above so below! The Six-pointed Star of David is the perfect blending of the masculine and feminine principles, which exist within all aspects of Nature.

Either the color orange or red is used in the cloak of The Fool. Red is MARS, desire, action, making an effot, as you must take action and make an effort to manifest your goals and desires. Orange is actually red modified with yellow, which is color of Mercury or intellect. In the Tarot, orange is also the color associated with the Sun, LEO, which rules the heart and spine. The SUN is exalted in the sign of ARIES where URANUS now transits. The SUN rules LEO, the next fire sign in the circle of the constellations. Aries is your brain and your ability to envision, to take charge. Leo is your heart. You cannot exist on the planet without your brain or the beating of your heart.

Consider the orange sky on Key 4, The Emperor, which is the sign of ARIES. The orange hints at the power of the Sun exalted in Aries. The rams head of Aries adorn the stone throne of the Emperor. (A hint: all higher forms of life rest or depend upon all previous forms for existence: mineral, vegetable, animal, human.) The mountains in the background are the Red of MARS, ruler of Aries. The cloak worn by the Emperor is the regal Purple associated with the last fire sign, Sagittarius, which rules Universal Law, or on a mundane level: religion, philosophy, long distance travel, courts of law, and higher learning. Each Tarot Key is loaded with so much meaning in terms of symbols that each Key warrants serious contemplation, meditation, and study. A picture is worth a thousand words, or perhaps much, much more!

The Emperor of Key 4, ARIES, wears the armor of a warrior or soldier. Bravery and courage are necessary qualities in facing, winning, or losing many of life's battles. Sometimes it is necessary to seemingly lose in order to know what winning really feels like or means. As has been noted, you can also lose a battle and still win the war. I'm afraid that many battles will be fought and won and lost during the transit of URANUS in ARIES, on a national,  international, and personal level in terms of each evolving soul. For instance, if you're on a diet and fall off the wagon one day, you can always climb right back on the next day. A passing failure is no excuse for giving up entirely. Please keep that in mind if you're trying to replace a bad habit with a better one during this transit. The Aries child in us takes many a tumble before he or she learns how to walk, then run, then climb and jump. Determination is an Aries trait we all need to cultivate at this time. Aries is known to be headstrong, but sometimes a fight is better than flight when dealing with the unruly and immature, which are negative Aries traits.

The Emperor represents REASON, SIGHT, INSIGHT where the mind governs. It is our ability to clearly envision our own future and goals. But be careful of what you wish for! If you want to become president of a country or corporation you will have to govern wisely and well, for the negative side of this is a dictator or despot. You will have to take RESPONSIBILITY for whatever you want, another word associated with this Tarot Key. This is the card of the FATHER, the Ancient of Days, and not all fathers seem to take the necessary responsibility in bringing up their offspring. Everything we think we want entails some level of responsibility. Think it over. Is there some aspect of your personality that is unwilling to assume full responsbility in the matter of the very thing you think you want the most: a person, family, job, fame, success, wealth, or some position? Some of us unconsciously get in our own way of what we think we want the most.

URANUS in ARIES is your opportunity to grow up and assume responsibility for your own life and face the future with courage and true determination. That doesn't mean walking over everyone else in your path to get your way or reach your goal, however. It means acting with maturity and wisdom and playing the wise parent with those in your charge. The Wisdom of Solomon is what you should seek. But don't be afraid to go after what you want. And don't be afraid of change, which is the only true constant upon our ever revolving planet.




Sunday, March 20, 2011


In my understanding of Tarot from my training at the Builders of the Adytum, Key 0, The Fool, represents for one thing, the planet URANUS. The Hebrew letter assigned to this key is Aleph, the Divine Breath. This in part represents the initial ‘breathing out’ of the Divine, which on one level may be compared to the BIG BANG that brought the Universe into manifestation. In accordance with Hindu teachings, when God ‘breathes out,’ the result is the manifestation of the Universe and all forms in the physical world. When God ‘breathes in,’ the Universe disappears, or once again returns to its primal point of rest—to Nothingness.

Key 0, The Fool, is the Cosmic Egg, the primal energy within the atom. This is the No Thing that becomes all things in terms of manifest reality. With our first breath we become a seemingly separate breathing, living being. With our last breath we return to the Inner Planes of the unmanifest, we return to apparent Nothingness. My young Scorpio son Mark once asked me while we were in the car and I was driving, “What is nothing?” without understanding at the time he had posed a very Buddhist, Sufi, Qabalistic question to his mystical mother, which could have taken the rest of both our lives to actually answer!

All things proceed from the One Thing. This is the stuff of philosophy, physics, and metaphysics. Lately, it seems to me that the gap between physics and metaphysics is getting much, much closer. Praise God!

In Paul Foster Case’s The Book of Tokens – Tarot Meditations the Meditation for Key 0, The Fool starts: “I AM, Without beginning, Without end, Older than night or day, Younger than the babe new born, Brighter than light, Darker than darkness, Yet fixed in the heart of every one…. From me the shining worlds flow forth, To me all at last return, Yet to me neither men nor angels may draw nigh, For I am known only to myself.” Perhaps you can identify with these eternal words of wisdom on a personal level. This book might be a wise investment for you, especially if the tarot holds any fascination for you.   

In astrology, the planet Uranus can be a bit of a bugger. Uranus produces revolution, upset, disarray, dramatic, sudden CHANGE that comes from seemingly out of Nowhere. Surprise! Shock! Amazement! Astonishment! On this Key, the androgynous human seems to be ready to step right off a cliff into a yawning chasm. Perhaps this is how the evolving soul feels when about to become a he or she again by being squeezed once more onto the stage of human existence. Seems like an appropriate analogy to me. The first step back into incarnate life is risky. Have I done the right thing? Will she be a good mother? Will my father protect me? Will I make any real progress this time? Will I finally reach my goal? Will I find any real happiness in three dimensions? Is this trip absolutely necessary? That womb was really comfortable. You mean I have to breathe again on my own?! Hey, wait just a few more minutes, please!!!

The Fool, evolving consciousness, is usually always ready for a brand new adventure in another dimension that might be somewhat limiting in its actual limitless potential. According to my studies, Uranus is our skin, our coat of many colors, which is the largest breathing organ we possesses that helps to rid our bodies of the many toxins and impurities and helps to sustain our life on the planet.

A painting of the Fool is over my computer table as I write. My stepsister Ginger had her husband Hector’s cousin in Columbia paint it for me as a gift back in the 1970s. It is one of my prize possessions and is always above me to remind me of the limitless possibilities ahead of me and all around me--for everyone. Uranus is our unlimited potential in need of expression and development. And in my chart I happen to have Uranus in Taurus in my 7th house opposite my Sun and Mercury in Scorpio in the 1st house square my Leo Moon in the 10th house. I suppose you could say I’m a bit of a rebel. I have had to learn many of my lessons the hard way. But I don’t suppose that makes me much different from many of you! Just thought I’d point that out.

Take a look at the two Tarot cards above. Key 4, The Emperor, for one thing, is ARIES, which is the constellation through which Uranus is now transiting. Aries is ruled by the planet MARS, god of War and Destruction. Now it seems to me that Uranus in Aries is going to manifest in part as some sort of WAR, which we just entered into with the Dictator Gaddafi in Libya this week. Yet another war yet! The Emperor is in fact a warrior. Aries is in fact a warrior of some type, like it or not. All you Aries think about that! What is your personal crusade? Your battle? You no doubt have one or several you’re dealing with right now.

Now, on Key 4, The Emperor, we see an older man who has faced many battles in the course of his existence. Maturity is often required to lead. There's a hint! You don’t see many young men as generals or admirals, do you? They usually have at least a few gray hairs, which were earned. In my Tarot training, this key rules government, rulers, leaders, bosses, supervisors, dictators, the possibility of promotion and advancement, besides the human ability to create a NEW REALITY.

Aries rules the head, eyes and vision. What you envision for yourself with URANUS in ARIES is likely to be your NEW REALITY, so take the time to use care in thinking about what you want to create. On the other hand, Uranus in Aries will no doubt CHANGE many GOVERNMENT LEADERS all around our planet. Look at what is going on in the Middle East in several different countries right now! The Uranus in Aries pattern has already been set into motion for a certainty. Each of us needs to remind ourselves that all these patterns have been developing in the world for many years. The eternal pattern is CHANGE. Nothing ever remains the same for long. The only constant in 3-dimensional life is CHANGE.

The Hebrew letter Heh is assigned to Key 4, the Emperor, which translates as window.  Do we not consider the eyes as the windows of the soul? These thoughts will be considered in greater detail later as they pertain to you, the individual. Meditate on these two Keys and take notes. You will learn a great deal by making the effort.

My website: is where you will find lots of important FREE information on the Tarot. My phone number: 703-373-7353 to set up a reading. 

Check by in a few days and I'll write more on this. Good luck in revolutionizing your life for the better. Good luck with all your new beginnings with URANUS in ARIES!  JUPITER in ARIES is on the move and will only truly help out until June. But URANUS in ARIES is going to CHANGE a whole lot of things over the next 7 years! Enjoy the excitement!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Key 3, THE EMPRESS, is VENUS, Goddess of Love, Patroness of the Arts, the pregnant Mother of the Tarot. THE EMPRESS represents all the Goddess figures as a symbol of the DIVINE MOTHER who readily expresses LOVE and forgiveness to all her children. MEDITATION ON THIS KEY ALONE BRINGS THE EXPERIENCE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO THE ASPIRANT.

In astrology, VENUS is known as the Lesser Benefic, and JUPITER, Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is known as the Greater Benefic. Where VENUS expresses the LOVE of the Mother, human or Divine, JUPITER expresses the COMPASSION and MERCY of the Father. Hand in hand, these energies are capable of transforming the entire world and the lives of all sentient beings. What the world seems to need right now, in my opinion, is a gigantic dose of these two energetic properties, MEGA LOVE and MEGA COMPASSION.

THE HIEROPHANT, Key 5, is ruled by the planet VENUS. In my Tarot Tradition, Key 5 is TAURUS, the second sign of the Zodiac that rules the second house of mundane astrology, which governs money and values. The law of TAURUS is the Law of Spring as Mother Nature's abundance can be seen everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere where the mysteries first evolved. There is nothing cheap about Nature unless one of the four elements happen to be over or under-abundant: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Any of the four elements out of control create havoc for everyone. And when the elements are out of control in an individual soul, there is also usually hell to pay.

The blessing of Key 5, THE HIEROPHANT, is INTUITION. This is our ability to LISTEN to the STILL SMALL VOICE WITHIN. This Silent Voice speaks to the cells of our body. TAURUS rules sensuality and the ability to hear words as well as what may not necessarily be said. Rather it is a hunch, feeling, sense of something being right or wrong. Everyone has some INTUITION. It is just that some pay more attention to their intuition than others and they benefit as well. The ability to pay close attention is something to cultivate the same as the Earth of Taurus may be cultivated to bring forth greater abundance in the harvest of plants and crops. The crops of the spirit also need to be be cultivated and harvested: the spiritual gifts of Creativity.

Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is JUPITER, the GREAT PROTECTOR. The JUPITER CENTER at the SOLAR PLEXUS is associated with "gut instincts."  PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR JUPITER CENTER TELLS YOU, especially through THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE. If you listen, you will be protected from yourself as well as from others with ill intentions. You will not only be protected from dangers and harm, but from your own ignorance in regard to your choices or decisions. JUPITER is always ready to offer assistance  as the Father of the Gods. Your JUPITER CHAKRA is your direct connection to this principle in CREATION.  Please LISTEN to your gut!

Isn't it interesting how LOVE can frequently 'get us' in the gut? A sexual attraction to a potential love object has been known to make some lose their appetite. The lovesick may have trouble eating while coping with butterflies in the stomach.  Romantic love teaches us about the principles of HIGHER LOVE, even though it's mostly raging hormones.  I always say it's a cosmic conspiracy to keep the planet populated and keep providing souls with bodies to work out their karma. Yet, romantic love eventually teaches us about the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE.  You are LOVE INCARNATE. That is what you need to GET on an everyday CONSCIOUS LEVEL.

Poverty of spirit creates poverty in fact. ABUNDANCE is the LAW OF LIFE. You need to GET that, too. It is usually true that we have everything we need at any given time. If we NEED more, then we are truly capable of CREATING MORE in our lives. Creativity is rewarded.  Key 3, THE EMPRESS, rules IMAGINATION. Your ability to IMAGINE is what CREATED the LIFE you are living now. Think back to when you longed for or dreamed about something you have or are experiencing in your life NOW. What do you want to experience next? IMAGINE IT AND IT WILL BE YOURS...sometime, somewhere, in the Divine Plan.

JUPITER EXPANDS VENUS. The Father makes the Mother feel good about herself, and the opposite is also true. COMPASSION is the greater part of LOVE. COMPASSION FORGIVES US FOR OUR MISTAKES AND HELPS US TO LEARN FROM THEM. If you feel unloved or unwanted, MEDITATE on this tableau, and that empty feeling will leave you and be replaced by the tremendous LOVE THAT ETERNALLY EXISTS AT YOUR CORE. 

BE CREATIVE.  LOVE YOURSELF AND LOVE LIFE!  After all, money can't buy you love! And LOVE is something you can always take with you wherever you go!

Monday, February 28, 2011


My novel, THE RECYCLING OF ROSALIE, was first published in 1999. However, I wrote the story way back in 1975 after carrying the idea around in my head for nearly a year. During the time I was writing about Rosalie Rosenberg, 29, the character Barbra Streisand portrayed in the film, "What's Up Doc?" kept  playing in my mind. Rosalie is a Jewish girl from Brooklyn living in North Hollywood in 1975 when the story begins, and she's quite the charming character with a tendency to swear!

These days I think Sarah Silverman would be perfect in the part. But her agent refused to accept the screenplay for consideration unless the film was financed. Do you happen to know Sarah Silverman? I'd love to send her the novel and my screenplay and let her decide. A fellow struggling screenwriter read my screenplay version and sent me a video of Sarah plugging Obama during his presidential campaign, and Ron said, "Tell me this isn't Rosalie!" He also said, "I think your Rosalie screenplay could do for Sarah Silverman what 'Moonstruck' did for Cher!" Which wouldn't be half bad, right? Since Cher won an Oscar for her role! But I've also thought about Reese Witherspoon in the role as a blonde version. Reese is such a good actress.
The year after I first wrote my story, actress Diane Ladd took an option to turn it into a film. In 1976 I wrote the screenplay first screenplay! I recount some of this story in my memoir, however, my friend actress Susan Strasberg was the primary reason I finished writing my first novel. As soon I wrote the first 10 pages, the first chapter, I drove over to Susan's place to have her read it. I needed reassurance, of course. And luckily for me, Susan loved it. She said, "This is very commercial." From then on she drove to my house nearly every day to read the next chapter, and Susan laughed and cried, as appropriate. Susan gave my manuscript to Diane Ladd after Thanksgiving dinner that year. Diane stayed up all night to read my story. That was very flattering, of course, and she called me around 8 o'clock the next morning.

The first psychic I went to see in 1964, who told me I was going to be a famous psychic and read for the rich and the famous...told me in 1975 (when I finally had my second reading from George Darius) that Rosalie was going to be a "major motion picture." I'm still waiting, of course. There have been 2 more options and interest by an independent film company in Austin, Texas, who refused to talk to a lawyer or agent (she had to think I was pretty stupid)...and then there was some actress on a soap opera who wanted to turn Rosalie into a dead prostitute (this is a love after death story and one of Rosalie's past lives was as a street walker in London), but I decided to pass on that plot change. And the actress evidently had financial backing from someone in Canada. Well, that was 1977, and this is more than a little late to reconsider.

I'm planning to turn THE RECYCLING OF ROSALIE into an E book sometime soon. I guess E books are doing much better than paper books these days, although I have yet to invest in a Kindle myself. I really like holding a book in my hand and sometimes flipping back through the story.

Until March l you could purchase this 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Trade Paperback, 220 pages, for $1 in conjunction with the purchase of my memoir, COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous, 6 x 9 Trade Paperback, 418 pages: $18.98, by media mail: $22.30, when purchased from me by emailing or by calling 703-373-7353. And during the month of March you can have the novel for $5 when purchased along with my memoir. Otherwise, the novel sells for $12.95, so its a DEAL! I've been giving away copies on my Blog Talk Show, Exploring the Paranormal with Pattie, to those who agree to be added to my emails and my database. That offer is still good, by the way.  You can listen to old shows anytime. And listen LIVE on Sundays at 3 pm EST.

One day I still think Rosalie will make it to the big screen! Here are some quotes from the back of the book jacket:

"The characters in this story are all unforgettable. They will make you laugh and make you cry, and will live in your heart forever. Your special angel will inspire you to read this one over and over again." 

"A glimpse of what heaven might be likepeace, serenity, all your dreams come trueand an angel to watch over you." 
B. L. Birute

"Weeks after reading THE RECYCLING OF ROSALIE, I find myself still chuckling over her antics. We'd all like to think Rosalie's experience of life after death is what really happens. A thoroughly entertaining read." 
Peter Kynaston

And from an email:

"I want to thank you for writing your book. I loved it! I couldn't put it down. I think it should be required reading for anyone dealing with death either by losing a loved one or having to face their own. It was wonderful."
Lynn Kaufman


Sunday, February 27, 2011



In looking at the planets today, it seems to me that the world is on PISCES OVERLOAD, although the planet URANUS enters ARIES on March 11 to give a little relief by that time. However, at the moment the Sun, Chiron, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus are all in the sign of Pisces. With what is currently happening in Middle Eastern nations, it seems to me that there is a whole lot of Pisces martyrdom going on. And yet, in many instances the shedding of blood is known to seal a bargain. Consider the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Without that sacrfice, Christianity would not have flourished in the part of the world that orginally condemned the sect.

The unfortunate death of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. actually sealed the matter of civil rights for the African American people in the United States, and perhaps elsewhere in the world. Martyrdom seems to sometimes be necessary to bring about dramatic change that is may be needed in various parts of the world. To think that one vendor in Egypt's sacrifice ousted a dictator of 40 years is somewhat amazing, although he was not the only sacrificial lamb that helped to bring down that regime! 

We are living in dramatic times of dramatic change. All day I've been feeling that something really big is coming without knowing exactly what that means, but I felt the need to make this post before my show on SURRENDER. 

Join me today at 3 pm EST LIVE at to hear LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD - The Law of Sacrifice. Or call 347-884-8884 to hear the show! These shows may be downloaded as MP3s anytime for your listening pleasure!  


Saturday, February 26, 2011


KEY 12, THE HANGED MAN, has to do with the principle of the SACRIFICED GOD, the need all souls have to SURRENDER. This is a tough concept for most of us on the spiritual path. How do we let go of what we think we want? Each of us tends to hold on too tight to ideas, wants, and imagined needs, aspirations, relationships with family and friends, not to mention a lover? However are we going to LET GO of the BELOVED? Not easy, is it?

How do we RELEASE our cherished hopes and dreams that are hampered by our constant conscious longing for immediate or ultimate fulfillment? Actually, giving it all up to the highest is an important part of getting it, believe or not! Have you ever noticed how prayers are sometimes answered only after you have totally forgotten about them?  When you have really given up? You let go and the prayer is answered! This is part of the process of learning to VISUALIZE and let it go!  For when something is constantly held in self-consciousness ... subconsciousness doesn't have a chance to work on it.

CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES, so please keep this in mind if you ever happen to worry. Worry is negative meditation. And, if you worry about something long enough and hard enough it is likely to manifest, so please try not to worry! Unless the negative pattern is what you really want as part of your life. Worry is a negative aspect of visualization. Please try to remember that!

In the act of serious MEDITATION, the intellect surrenders to the subconscious or unconscious where the good stuff is stored, so Superconsciousness can bring the answer you seek into conscious awareness. All the answers to all the mysteries in the Universe are stored within the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, which is shared with all aspects of Life.
Having one of those days when everything goes haywire can actually be good for your spiritual development. Because when that happens you are forced to let go and release it all! What else can you do except beat your head against the wall, and that won't get you anything but a headache or brain damage. When life doesn't go 'my way', I always think of THE HANGED MAN. I used to keep Key 12 on my dresser and probably should put it back, come to think of it! However, in my office I am surrounded by Tarot Keys and pictures of Spiritual Masters to help keep me on track.
As an example, can you force someone to love you? Charms and potions are silly nonsense! I am constantly amazed by those who claim they can bring back your two-timing lover who deserted you for someone else, no doubt less worthy. Why even bother? If your former lover wants another, he or she is probably doing you a big favor. In the immediate future, you may need to meditate on THE HANGED MAN to help get him or her out of your system. And yet, we all learn and grow from and through our pain, like it or not. No pain no gain on the spiritual path as in most patterns in life!

This Key is NEPTUNE, a sometimes tricky planet, therefore deception is another aspect to consider. And yet, the one who fools us more often is usually our self ... through our illusions and delusions, lack of facts, misconceptions, being too dreamy, or escaping through substances that alter our perception: alcohol or drugs. Even too much chocolate can be hazardous, whether it makes you feel like you're in love or not!
For instance, is romance really LOVE? Or is romance a game to play to capture the attention of someone we fancy, someone who rattles our cage and makes our temperature rise up a notch? My spiritual teacher, Ann Davies, used to say, "You don't fall in love ... you GROW in love." Enjoying the facade of romance is fine if you realize deep down that you are playing a game of courtship by dressing up in your finest and indulging in a candlelit dinner for two. When you fully buy into the illusion as reality you are under the influence of a Neptune fog and seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, which may be fine on occasion. Games are fun at times and make life more enjoyable.

In almost every life experience there is a lesson to learn. Some lessons are easier than others, of course. This is why we can call on the HOLY SPIRIT anytime, anywhere for assistance, which is also depicted by Key 12.  Help SELF, we may need to cry out at times. And the Higher Self burns off the haze and brings in the LIGHT, so we may find our way and avoid falling off the cliff again.

From the highest spiritual perspective, KEY 12, THE HANGED MAN, represents the state of consciousness that Yogis and Buddhists refer to as SAMADHI. This state is reached when the lower mind completely SURRENDERS to HIGHER MIND, and physical activities sometimes become SUSPENDED, which includes breathing and other normal bodily functions.
BABAJI, the Divine Himalayan Yogi, sat in a cave in the late 1970s in India in this suspended state for 39 days and nights without moving, without eating, without doing anything, with one arm suspended in the air. I was privileged to meet this spiritual Master in Bombay, India, in 1982, and he has continued to play a significant role in my life. I have had some really magical, unbelievable experiences regarding the Mahavatar Babaji, and some of them are recounted in my memoir, COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous, which may be purchased at or on Amazon. Meeting Babaji in India was one of those high points in my life.

Then in 1994 as I flew to the Far East to work and play, with my first stop Singapore, I knew something was going to happen on that trip that involved Babaji. I had considered returning to India, but never did. As it turned out, I met a woman on the island of Bali in Indonesia who invited me to a session with the crystal chakra bowls. And the people who owned the house were devotees of Babaji and in Switzerland at one of his ashrams for the summer. His pictures were all over the house.

You can learn more about this elevated being who hangs out with other Ascended Masters on the Inner Planes at Babaji teaches all paths lead to the One, which happens to be my personal philosophy. Any religion or spiritual path is capable of bringing a soul further along in development. Most of us are not yet evolved enough to be Spiritual Masters, although some may actually be closer to that elevated state than may be presently realized. As one popular Master taught, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." 

An extremely important part of spiritual growth is RELEASE and SURRENDER and that includes letting go of all negative traits, habits, and attitudes, for in that process we purify our hearts and souls in order to live the greater life that is our Destiny.

Tune in on this Sunday, and listen to my show, EXPLORING THE PARANORMAL WITH PATTIE, where my topic is LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD - The Law of Sacrifice, at 3 pm EST LIVE. You may call 347-884-8884 and listen on your telephone as well. This show will be on my website within 15 minutes after it ends on my Blog Talk Show page. This show may be downloaded as an MP3 anytime or listened to on the Blog Talk Show site. All past shows are still available on my Blog Talk Radio page. Give a listen!  

Friday, February 25, 2011




Our evolved PISCES nature is always sensitive, and more often than not, lovingly helpful and insightful regarding the plight of most. PISCES is naturally psychic and nearly always compassionate.  With PISCES there can also be a  need to avoid becoming a human garbage pail for the ills of the world. It seems almost everyone pours out his or her troubles upon discovering a sympathetic listener.  PISCES is ever ready to listen and usually eager to run to the rescue on a cold, rainy or snowy night to lend a coat and cloak!  When in serious need, the PISCES friend should be the first one you call, since LOVING DEVOTION and willing SACRIFICE are second nature in these tenderhearted beings. 

The MYSTIC DREAMER in everyone enjoys the rapturous beauty of a sunset, the harmonic notes of a symphony, and the Divine Cord in Nature.  After all, DREAMS are the stuff that life is made of through the strokes of a brush, the sound of a note, or the graceful movements of dance.  PISCES is a natural dancer, naturally artistic and creative. The POET or LYRICIST with a tragic tale to tell or aria to wail, since more often than not the life of PISCES tends to take on the essence of a soap opera with abundant opportunity for clandestine intrigue, the taste of forbidden fruit being an innate pleasure, along with profuse weeping of tears in times of joy or suffering. 

The world we live in is filled with soap opera plots and the stuff of DREAMS.  Every single thing in our modern world was once a thought, an idea or dream in the mind of someone.  Key 18, THE MOON, PISCES the dreamer, represents INSPIRATION from invisible worlds that lowers its vibration to become the stuff of physical manifestation. Without the DREAMER, there would be no DREAM and no manifestation of life in this world as we know it.

FORGIVENESS is associated with Key 18, THE MOON, a true aspect of our evolved PISCES nature.  In the process of spiritual evolution it is necessary to FORGIVE even those who may not necessarily seek forgiveness.  Through the acquisition of UNDERSTANDING and the development of a COMPASSIONATE HEART, it is far easier to FORGIVE those who have seemingly trespassed against us and even to FORGIVE our self for our ignorant mistakes or our lack of awareness in terms of past actions foolishly undertaken.

On Key 18, THE MOON, is the EVOLUTIONARY PATH of the reincarnating soul.  Out of the Great Sea of Consciousness the crayfish struggles to find the path that leads toward the mountaintop of illumination and SELF discovery.  The Path winds over hill and dale between the Wolf and the Dog, symbols of the Animal Vital Soul, wild and tame.  The Path is midway between the two extremes, a pictorial lesson for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  It is the yellow brick road, the straight and narrow way, the middle path, for the EVOLUTIONARY PATH is called by many names, yet it is One Path with one purpose, a truly noble purpose for everyone.

In the sign of PISCES is the co-rulership of the planet JUPITER, Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, and the planet NEPTUNE, Key 12, THE HANGED MAN.  As the Father of the Gods, JUPITER governs the laws of EVOLUTIONARY LIFE.  On the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, Key 10, are pictorial images for the process of EVOLUTION the mineral, vegetable, animal and human aspects of Creation moving toward SUPERCONSCIOUS AWARENESS in circling the WHEEL of LIFE.  Life is cyclic in all aspects throughout the seasons of the year, as well as through the seasons of human existence.  Everything is a learning process, which is governed by JUPITER, or Higher Mind, in the unfolding of knowledge that leads to wisdom.  On the Qabalistic Tree of Life JUPITER rules the sphere of MERCY and COMPASSION.

With Key 12, THE HANGED MAN, NEPTUNE, we have the principle of SACRIFICE or “letting go and letting God.”  On this key is the SACRIFICED GOD, a mythical allegory that heralds from ancient times. It is necessary to sacrifice the little ego to the greater good to express the true SELF.  In the sacrifice of the little ego the greater SELF is expressed through the soul.  Each soul is evolving toward this ultimate Reality, though some remain far from the foothills that lead up the Mountain.  Many wander in the fog and delusion of the lower vibrations of NEPTUNE, drugging the mind and the senses, keeping the Soul in a state of sleep, awaiting the kiss of the Prince (of Higher Consciousness) beyond the Towers of human construction on Key 18.  The Mountaintop of Illumination is beyond the constructs of humanity in the finer realm of the Divine.  Order THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan, 7 x 10 Trade Paperback, 464 pages, and learn the greater meaning for this Tarot card and the rest of the TAROT MAJOR ARCANA. 

My memoir is also available: COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous. 6 x 9 Trade Paperback, 418 pages, with pictures of my celebrity clients.