Monday, July 23, 2012



SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS, the Divine Breath (Ruach), ventures forth in multiple forms to experience LIFE in the valley of experience.  THE FOOL represents the un­limited potential of the individual to grow and develop through the experiences of life.  The card indicates the immeasurable opportunities presented, in addition to inherent dan­gers involved with living in three dimensions on any planet.  An esoteric meaning is that through repeated foolishness the individual becomes wise, and also: “The wisdom of God is as folly to Man,” or to the average human being. Serious food for thought.
 Spirit (pure divine energy) is the vagabond adventurer wandering through form after form to gather experience in various robes of mani­festa­tion.  Each kingdom of Nature is represented on this Key: human, animal, vegetable, and mineral, the kingdoms through which Spirit evolves from the lowest to the highest levels of expres­sion and awareness. 
At the human level the individual soul carries the memories of prior ex­periences in the knapsack over its shoulder.  With eyes turned toward the next peak of attainment, the spiritual vagabond ponders the infinite possibilities of the vast unknown yet to be experienced on the adventure of the soul on its never ending journey through Time and Space.
THE FOOL is astrologically assigned to the planet URANUS ¨, the higher octave of Mercury £that rules intelligence, the self-con­scious mind.  Genius is indicated, unlimited original­ity and inventiveness, unique or special talent or skill.  Liber­ty or freedom is demonstrated, sometimes sought to extremes. There is impulse, rash­ness, reckless­ness or daring.  Eccentric­ity is possible, the desire to be dif­ferent, individuality in terms of personality expression or actions to be taken. 
This card indicates new beginnings, the starting place or leap­ing off point.  One could take a plunge into new areas of expres­sion with the uncertainty or anxiety inherent in venturing into the unknown or untried.  Caution may be advised, yet there is promise of excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation.  CHANGE is certain, sudden or unexpected.  There is no guarantee when confronted with the abyss of the unknown on the brink of uncertainty.  There is a guarantee from boredom and the comfort of the known.
With a question spread, there is absolutely no guaran­tee of any kind with THE FOOL as the answer.  It may be wise to stop and breathe, to look before you leap into the gaping abyss, lest one play the fool in the situation at hand.  And yet, THE FOOL indicates the unlimited potential ahead that leads to greater freedom and perhaps delights.  As with most aspects of life on earth, there is the element of risk.  No guarantees, and yet there is promise of adventure.
The re­versed card indicates major anxiety attacks or rash impulse, that which obscures reason and could lead to embarrassment. One might play the fool.  On the other hand, circumstances might precipitate a rude awakening which leads away from erroneous thinking or actions that stand in the way of achieving the heights.

KEY WORDS:  No-Thing, extraordinary, unique, different, innovative, inventive, original, fresh, new, free, genius, eccentric, unusual, far-out, impulsive, freakish, Limitless Light, Cosmic Egg, Prana, Ruach, eternal youth, Divine Madness, ecstasy, Divine Breath, jumping off point. Look before you leap!

AFFIRMATION: As a child of the Universe, I joyful­ly accept my unique role in the great adventure called Life.

This is from my soon to be released beginner's book on the Tarot, TAROT FOR TODAY, Instantaneous Insights & Effective Affirmations, A Handbook for the Apprentice.This is one of the current planetary influences shaking up lots of lives on the planet and causing some to act out in rash and impulsive patterns. A word to the wise!