Thursday, August 29, 2013

pattie-tarotblog: MAKE WISE CHOICESThe special word attached to Ke...

The special word attached to Ke...
: MAKE WISE CHOICES The special word attached to Key 6, THE LOVERS, is DISCRIMINATION. This is GEMINI, governed by MERCURY, ruler of t...


The special word attached to Key 6, THE LOVERS, is DISCRIMINATION. This is GEMINI, governed by MERCURY, ruler of the third house of the CONSCIOUS MIND that governs the decisions we make, our intellect. On a higher level, the symbolism depicts the conscious mind (represented by Adam, the masculine figure on the right), looking to the feminine figure (of the subconscious mind, Eve, on the left), who in turns looks to the Archangel Raphael, representing the Higher Self or divine aspect of mind. It is the unconscious that is in closer contact with realms celestial. And, of course, the serpent of the Kundalini Power is wrapped around the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil behind the subconscious, Eve. 

"Have an apple, babe. It will taste delicious and make you look really great in that fig leaf!" But then, we do learn a great deal through the choices we make, especially when we make the wrong choice, or sometimes even through a choice we thought was so very wise ... until right after we bit into the damn apple!

Living life in three dimensions can be very tricky, as you probably have already learned by now. The lower mind (sorry it's depicted as masculine, guys) doesn't always pay any real attention to those subtle sensations sent to it by the unconscious, or subconscious, (commonly known as the feminine aspect of consciousness: intuition) until lightning strikes, or the car has already been swallowed by the sinkhole. It happens to be a fact that women pay closer attention to their feelings and intuitive flashes than men tend to. That's why my spiritual teacher, Ann Davies of Builders of the Adytum, always said that men should always pay careful attention to their wives and girlfriends when it comes to intuitive flashes about the patterns in their lives and the people that they meet. ("I told you should have turned left," she says in the sinkhole.) Women tend to be more intuitive; men more logical. That's why Key 6, THE LOVERS, ultimately represents the MYSTICAL MARRIAGE of the conscious and subconscious with super-consciousness, so that the sinkholes of life can be completely avoided at all times.    

At this time I need to point out that Key 15, THE DEVIL, has some similarities in symbolism to Key 6, THE LOVERS. Guess what? 1 + 5 = 6 in terms of numerology. So clever these designers of TAROT. Subtle masters. And a poorly conceived choice can place you in some level of bondage, even if you're not into that sort of thing! 

Key 15, THE DEVIL, is CAPRICORN, and that doesn't make my Capricorn clients happy at all, trust me. On the other hand, on this key the conscious and subconscious aspects of mind are chained to another Archangel, known as Uriel, Archangel of Light. States such as IGNORANCE and FEAR are depicted here, jealousy, envy, hatred, prejudice, the evils of society embedded in the consciousness of so many struggling souls. The word "devil' is "lived" spelled backwards and is also known as the Father of Lies we tell ourselves. In the Qabalah we learn: Behind the mask of the adversary is the face of the Beloved. Or The devil is god as seen through the eyes of the wicked.  Here we have SATURN, the teacher, a not always so easy to deal with aspect of the Higher Self. Have we created the demons in our lives ourselves, we are forced to ask, by the choices we have made in the past? Why did I marry him/her? Why did I have that first cigarette? Snort of cocaine? How did it all begin? 

My advice: Please don't make promises that you don't plan to keep to yourself or to anyone else. At times the Universe is known to sue us for "breach of promise." THE DEVIL might be your mortgage, or that fancy car you bought where the payments turn into a lodestone around your neck. Debt is another word for Key 15, along with depression, resignation, blind ambition. There is an aspect of Key 15 about going to college to get an education, actually. If you don't hit the books, attend classes, and pass the tests you're never likely to become a doctor, lawyer, or anything else of note that you dreamed of being. You may have to work like the devil to get where you want to go. Setting goals with Key 6 often ends up creating the difficult conditions or circumstances associated with Key 15. But, on the other hand, LAUGHTER is also assigned to Key 15, THE DEVIL. Try not to take yourself too seriously. Laugh in the midst of darkness and turn on the LIGHT. 

And yet, do try to make sincere, thoughtful choices in terms of your relationships and the goals you set for yourself in life. Meditate on these two TAROT keys for better insight. Or read more on my website  Check out the Tarot Tableaus for greater insight. Think it through before you make your decisions and you should be fine. After all, you're a student in the School of Life! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

pattie-tarotblog: Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, plus Key 2, THE HIGH PRIESTE...

: Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, plus Key 2, THE HIGH PRIESTESS, equals Key 3, THE EMPRESS. As in personal relationships, primarily between a man and...

Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, plus Key 2, THE HIGH PRIESTESS, equals Key 3, THE EMPRESS. As in personal relationships, primarily between a man and woman, in the creation of a physical child, so it is in the creation of the various patterns and manifestations in our individual lives in terms of the functions of consciousness. CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES. The principle of the masculine energy of MERCURY, THE MAGICIAN, intellect, impregnates the feminine aspect of the unconscious or subconscious, the Moon, which ideally results in the pregnant mother of Venus, THE EMPRESS, IMAGINATION. The pregnant unconscious then eventually gives birth to the original intention, especially when careful attention is paid, often accompanied a great deal of personal hard work and prolonged labor. Consider THE MAGICIAN as your left brain and THE HIGH PRIESTESS as your right brain. When the two are out of sync, there is often the abortion of a project, perhaps caused by a lack of healthy development to its full term of completion.   

Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, represents the magic of intellect, intelligence, consciousness that exists for the individual soul experiencing a lifetime in the three dimensions of Time, Space, and Patience (as Edgar Cayce once pointed out!) It is intention, attention, purpose, the masculine aspect of consciousness, and in another sense, a young male intent on finding a proper mate in order to procreate and bring progeny into the world, the primal drive of all humanity. 

The purpose is the same whether the end result might be a physical child, the manifestation of a project, or even the building of an empire somewhere in the world of name and form. Key 2, THE HIGH PRIESTESS, the forever virginal aspect of consciousness, is open to suggestion, open to the intentions that you pay especially close attention to on a consistent and daily basis. Your desires are the seeds you plant in the garden of your life, your consciousness. Your consistent attention and intention water the garden so that your desires might eventually manifest as you originally intended. However, should you keep changing your mind about what you really want in your life, or which virgin to actually pursue, then you could end up with absolutely nothing, and no children, either!  The same as the woman who is constantly ignored loses interest in becoming the mother of that particular man's children. Relationships also need to be tenderly cultivated with constant, loving attention. Love is a sacred trust. The projects you truly love are those most likely to manifest as well.  

1 + 2 = 3. The Tarot is a wonderful tool to employ to develop your consciousness in a constructive and enlightening manner. Meditate on THE MAGICIAN to get focused. Meditate on THE HIGH PRIESTESS to penetrate the veil of the Inner Sanctum. Meditate on THE EMPRESS to stimulate your imagination...or to get pregnant, if that's what you have in mind! Learn more here: ABUNDANCE

I wish you well on your continuing journey of SELF-discovery!  703-373-7353   

Sunday, April 28, 2013

pattie-tarotblog: My book, THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals...

My book, THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals...
: My book, THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan, was first published by Llewellyn Publications in 1991. The rights rev...

My book, THE WHEEL OF DESTINY - The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan, was first published by Llewellyn Publications in 1991. The rights reverted to me in 1999 when the book was re-issued with a new cover under Akasha Publishing, my company. Then in 2011 the book was made print-on-demand through Create Space with updated contact info. However, the body of the book remains the same. I still have a few copies left of the 1999 printing that I'm selling for $17.50 (original price: $24.95) media mail: $22, priority mail: $23, international priority: $43, AUTOGRAPHED, of course: 465 pages, 7 x 10, with diagrams and in depth information on the TAROT MAJOR ARCANA on the MASTER SPREAD. Call 703-373-7353 with your credit card info or email  The print-on-demand book is available online through Amazon and Barnes and Noble for $22.50. See the links below.

From the Book Jacket:

Explore the 22 Keys of the Major Arcana and discover just who you really are or can be.  Patricia McLaine's Master Spread covers all facets of life: work, play, romance and potential partners, spiritual quests and the Higher Self, finances, resources, children, basic personality, inner drives, inspiration, the home, talents, friends, past lives and fears.
Every possible position of each Key in her Master Spread is explained so that anyone can master this system.  No more guesswork!  Forget about stringing keywords together to interpret a spread; this book provides complete, colorful descriptions of every Key and its many variations within the Master Spread.
Discover the true Core of yourself as you deal the cards of Life...
"Pattie McLaine is the queen of synchronicity.  In her hands, the Tarot becomes an extremely effective way to tap other-than-conscious realms of psychic functioning."
Richard B. Blasband, M.D.
"The many psychic readings I've had with Patricia McLaine have provided me with valuable insight and guidance in every phase of my life, but my Master Reading enabled me to develop a kinder, more accepting attitude toward life and myself, making me a happier person.  I highly recommend the Master Reading to anyone interested in viewing his or her life with greater clarity and compassion."
Susan Pompian
Author, consultant
THE WHEEL OF DESTINY is a perfect tool for any knowledgeable astrologer, for in addition to the symbology of the mystery school teachings of the Sacred Tarot, the Tarot Major Arcana includes the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the ten sacred ancient planets, plus aspects of sacred numerology.

Email 4/19/2009: Dear Pattie, I have a copy of your excellent book "The Wheel  of Destiny" and can't believe how you know all this stuff. I laid out the 22 Major Arcana cards recently in three rows of 7, 8  and 7 cards, but was at a loss as how to interpret them. Then I decided to give your Master Spread a go and found it works wonderfully. No need for special lay-out or even the intention to use Master Spread before laying the cards it seems.  
                                               Many thanks, Michael S. Correll, Sydney, Australia
"THE WHEEL OF DESTINY" by James Cox, Midwest Book Review

"From the folly and wisdom of The Fool to the nurturing influence of The Chariot to the honor and responsibility inherent in The World, tarot psychic and author Patricia McLaine takes the reader on a memorable and informative spiritual journey through the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. After a brief introduction to the system, each chapter begins with a basic presentation of a Key, including such associations as Hebrew letter, key words and occupational aptitudes. Then every possible position of the Key within the Master Spread is discussed for a thorough understanding and ease in interpreting the Life Path of our selves and others. The careful and reflective reader will learn his or her own special role on the Earth plane and in worlds beyond space and time as revealed in our own Wheel of Destiny. "The Wheel of Destiny" is highly recommended reading for all serious students and practitioners of tarot divination and metaphysical studies."
Email dated March 7, 2002: "Dear Patricia, I recently bought a copy of THE WHEEL OF DESTINY, and did my master spread. I'm so taken by your book, and by my reading--each day I dip in and go over something, with much delight. It's as if your words sink in on a very deep level. Another thing I would like to say about your book is that I feel the words are coming from a place of real Truth--a true 'knowing' that is from deep inside you. Because of this I find myself letting in the words without any obstruction on my part. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for writing your book."
Sandra Jensen, Toronto, Canada.  CREATE SPACE   AMAZON


Sunday, March 24, 2013



In terms of Qabalistic numerology: 7 + 1 (or 1 + 7) = 8.  Hebrew is read from right to left, the opposite of the manner in which English numbers and letters are read.  These numbers illustrate the power of the 7 chakras operating through the 1 soul (or the ONE). Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, represent self-consciousness, the consciousness of the individual incarnate soul. Attention and intention are indicated by the number 1. In entering the state of meditation the individual intently focuses on the issue at hand.

In my training I was taught to take a particular question or individual into the meditative state in order to receive an answer or to better understand the person in question. By intense focus, you become able to see deeply into the person or situation in which you seek answers. You are trying to discover the TRUTH, which is what is usually revealed to anyone in a truly deep meditative state. Selfish motives are rarely satisfied by such intense focus. Malice or evil intent is a block to discovery. Obsession seldom results in satisfactory results. Any attempt to control another person for evil or selfish purposes is a form of black magic and likely to backfire.

A long time ago, without realizing what I was doing at the time, I did some "remote viewing" for a friend named Tish. Here is an excerpt from my memoir, COSMIC CONSPIRACY - Psychic to the Rich and Famous, to illustrate what I'm talking about:
"In the late 1960s, I had my horoscope interpreted and took meditation classes from my Virgo astrologer friend, Tish Leroy. One afternoon, John Barrymore, Jr. stopped by and Tish introduced me. They had been friends for a while. Tish tried to keep Johnny off booze and drugs, but he ignored her. Sometimes she cleaned out his aura with her hand to sober him up, which ticked Johnny off.
In her classes I learned how to rise in the planes into my higher bodies. The physical body is the smallest. According to Tish, in a past life I had been a priestess in Atlantis and in Egypt. She said I had returned to serve again. We had been friends in several lifetimes. Tish also interpreted the horoscopes of my children. She said I had been entrusted with great souls, never to be underestimated. Another reader had said my son’s aura was silver-white. Tish was sure that Tomi would rise to greatness one day.
Tish Leroy also had a penchant for intrigue. Her claim: “Virgos do what Scorpios get blamed for,” meaning sex and secrets. On one wall was a picture of Virgo the Virgin, winking. In those days, Tish was romantically linked with a man she said was a “double agent.”  
“I haven’t heard from Dennis for a while,” she said, “I think he’s in Europe. The last letter was postmarked Paris.” Then she said, “I’d like you to do me a favor, Pattie. I’d like you to rise in the planes and find Dennis. Then, I want you to tell him to get in touch with me—immediately!”
 “I can do that?” I replied in amazement. I had never met Dennis.
“Of course, you can. Your chakras are more highly developed than anyone else I’ve ever known. Promise me you’ll at least try to find him.”
I promised. Tish showed me a picture of Dennis.
The next afternoon, I sat cross-legged in the middle of my king-sized bed in Sherman Oaks and went into deep meditation. I visualized myself rising up through the different planes connected with my higher bodies. Tish had suggested the Plane of Uranus, which is concerned with clear vision or clairvoyance about a foot above the head. Once there, in a state of heightened sensitivity, Tish had said to start searching for Dennis. His picture looked like a James Bond type—but not as handsome as Sean Connery. Had Dennis given the genuine 007 a run for his money?
Wherever Dennis was it seemed very dark. I could smell salt water and sense a seaport somewhere in the South of France. Then, after fortifying my will, I demanded that Dennis sit down and write Tish a letter. She needed to know how he was. After I felt the contact was complete, I lowered back down through the planes. Then I called Tish to report on my findings. I had no clue if my experience was authentic or just more of my “overactive imagination.”
Within a week, Tish received a letter postmarked St. Tropez. The letter had 3 a.m. written under the date and started out: “Dear Tish, I don’t understand why, but I just awoke from a sound sleep in the middle of the night and felt compelled to get up and write you this letter…”  After she finished the letter, Tish called me in a state of high excitement—to reprimand me.
“But that’s what you told me to do!” 
“Well, I know. But I didn’t expect you to wake him up in the middle of the night!”
“I told you it was dark where he was.”
“You’re more powerful than I even suspected.”
Needless to say, I was puzzled as to why Tish was upset with me for doing what she had commanded me to do. At least the “double agent” had finally written to her. Dennis was fine. I had not made him do anything terrible or unlawful. And honestly, I was as amazed as Tish by the accuracy of what I had sensed and perceived—and that Dennis had even written the letter.  Double wow!"

My book is on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and is available autographed from me!

Friday, January 18, 2013

THE CHINESE YEAR OF THE SNAKE with T. RAPHAEL SIMONS 01/27 by Pattie McLaine | Blog Talk Radio

THE CHINESE YEAR OF THE SNAKE with T. RAPHAEL SIMONS 01/27 by Pattie McLaine | Blog Talk Radio

Tune in on Sunday, January 27, at 3 pm EST to hear my guest T. Raphael Simons discuss events to transpire during the CHINESE YEAR OF THE SNAKE for all 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac. 347-884-9037 for a free mini-reading!