Tuesday, March 22, 2011


URANUS in ARIES will provide a 7 year opportunity for you to change your focus and reorganize your thoughts. URANUS, Key 0, THE FOOL, represents your eternally youthful soul venturing forth into the Valley of 3-Dimensional Experience. In the left hand of the youth is a white rose of pure desire. The left side of the human body is governed by the right brain, the intuitive, creative aspect of consciousness. In the right hand the youth carries a knapsack thrown over his shoulder that contains all the essentials of past experience to assist him/her on a new adventure in the World of the Manifest.

The white dog in the card is a symbol of our playful intellect, the self-conscious mind that tends to quickly rush from one thought to another. The octagon (8) wheels on the the cloak of the youth represent the motion of the chakras and hint at the octave of sound (In the beginning was the WORD and the word was made flesh--Sound and motion create the Universe). Yellow is the color of Mercury, another symbol of the intellect. The light green is associated with springtime of Venus bringing forth new growth in terms of vegetation on the planet, the blossoming forth and fulfillment of desire.

The white Sun is the Spiritual Sun behind all outward manifestation. The snowcapped moutains in the distance represent past and future accomplishments for the journeying soul. Snow is the crystalized, or fixed water, of Scorpio, the sign of desire and the reproductive nature. Crystalization also has to do with spirit taking on form in the World of the Manifest. And interestingly enough, each snow flake is unique in it hexagonal, 6-pointed expression, as each soul is unique in self-expression. As above so below! The Six-pointed Star of David is the perfect blending of the masculine and feminine principles, which exist within all aspects of Nature.

Either the color orange or red is used in the cloak of The Fool. Red is MARS, desire, action, making an effot, as you must take action and make an effort to manifest your goals and desires. Orange is actually red modified with yellow, which is color of Mercury or intellect. In the Tarot, orange is also the color associated with the Sun, LEO, which rules the heart and spine. The SUN is exalted in the sign of ARIES where URANUS now transits. The SUN rules LEO, the next fire sign in the circle of the constellations. Aries is your brain and your ability to envision, to take charge. Leo is your heart. You cannot exist on the planet without your brain or the beating of your heart.

Consider the orange sky on Key 4, The Emperor, which is the sign of ARIES. The orange hints at the power of the Sun exalted in Aries. The rams head of Aries adorn the stone throne of the Emperor. (A hint: all higher forms of life rest or depend upon all previous forms for existence: mineral, vegetable, animal, human.) The mountains in the background are the Red of MARS, ruler of Aries. The cloak worn by the Emperor is the regal Purple associated with the last fire sign, Sagittarius, which rules Universal Law, or on a mundane level: religion, philosophy, long distance travel, courts of law, and higher learning. Each Tarot Key is loaded with so much meaning in terms of symbols that each Key warrants serious contemplation, meditation, and study. A picture is worth a thousand words, or perhaps much, much more!

The Emperor of Key 4, ARIES, wears the armor of a warrior or soldier. Bravery and courage are necessary qualities in facing, winning, or losing many of life's battles. Sometimes it is necessary to seemingly lose in order to know what winning really feels like or means. As has been noted, you can also lose a battle and still win the war. I'm afraid that many battles will be fought and won and lost during the transit of URANUS in ARIES, on a national,  international, and personal level in terms of each evolving soul. For instance, if you're on a diet and fall off the wagon one day, you can always climb right back on the next day. A passing failure is no excuse for giving up entirely. Please keep that in mind if you're trying to replace a bad habit with a better one during this transit. The Aries child in us takes many a tumble before he or she learns how to walk, then run, then climb and jump. Determination is an Aries trait we all need to cultivate at this time. Aries is known to be headstrong, but sometimes a fight is better than flight when dealing with the unruly and immature, which are negative Aries traits.

The Emperor represents REASON, SIGHT, INSIGHT where the mind governs. It is our ability to clearly envision our own future and goals. But be careful of what you wish for! If you want to become president of a country or corporation you will have to govern wisely and well, for the negative side of this is a dictator or despot. You will have to take RESPONSIBILITY for whatever you want, another word associated with this Tarot Key. This is the card of the FATHER, the Ancient of Days, and not all fathers seem to take the necessary responsibility in bringing up their offspring. Everything we think we want entails some level of responsibility. Think it over. Is there some aspect of your personality that is unwilling to assume full responsbility in the matter of the very thing you think you want the most: a person, family, job, fame, success, wealth, or some position? Some of us unconsciously get in our own way of what we think we want the most.

URANUS in ARIES is your opportunity to grow up and assume responsibility for your own life and face the future with courage and true determination. That doesn't mean walking over everyone else in your path to get your way or reach your goal, however. It means acting with maturity and wisdom and playing the wise parent with those in your charge. The Wisdom of Solomon is what you should seek. But don't be afraid to go after what you want. And don't be afraid of change, which is the only true constant upon our ever revolving planet.




Sunday, March 20, 2011


In my understanding of Tarot from my training at the Builders of the Adytum, Key 0, The Fool, represents for one thing, the planet URANUS. The Hebrew letter assigned to this key is Aleph, the Divine Breath. This in part represents the initial ‘breathing out’ of the Divine, which on one level may be compared to the BIG BANG that brought the Universe into manifestation. In accordance with Hindu teachings, when God ‘breathes out,’ the result is the manifestation of the Universe and all forms in the physical world. When God ‘breathes in,’ the Universe disappears, or once again returns to its primal point of rest—to Nothingness.

Key 0, The Fool, is the Cosmic Egg, the primal energy within the atom. This is the No Thing that becomes all things in terms of manifest reality. With our first breath we become a seemingly separate breathing, living being. With our last breath we return to the Inner Planes of the unmanifest, we return to apparent Nothingness. My young Scorpio son Mark once asked me while we were in the car and I was driving, “What is nothing?” without understanding at the time he had posed a very Buddhist, Sufi, Qabalistic question to his mystical mother, which could have taken the rest of both our lives to actually answer!

All things proceed from the One Thing. This is the stuff of philosophy, physics, and metaphysics. Lately, it seems to me that the gap between physics and metaphysics is getting much, much closer. Praise God!

In Paul Foster Case’s The Book of Tokens – Tarot Meditations the Meditation for Key 0, The Fool starts: “I AM, Without beginning, Without end, Older than night or day, Younger than the babe new born, Brighter than light, Darker than darkness, Yet fixed in the heart of every one…. From me the shining worlds flow forth, To me all at last return, Yet to me neither men nor angels may draw nigh, For I am known only to myself.” Perhaps you can identify with these eternal words of wisdom on a personal level. This book might be a wise investment for you, especially if the tarot holds any fascination for you.   

In astrology, the planet Uranus can be a bit of a bugger. Uranus produces revolution, upset, disarray, dramatic, sudden CHANGE that comes from seemingly out of Nowhere. Surprise! Shock! Amazement! Astonishment! On this Key, the androgynous human seems to be ready to step right off a cliff into a yawning chasm. Perhaps this is how the evolving soul feels when about to become a he or she again by being squeezed once more onto the stage of human existence. Seems like an appropriate analogy to me. The first step back into incarnate life is risky. Have I done the right thing? Will she be a good mother? Will my father protect me? Will I make any real progress this time? Will I finally reach my goal? Will I find any real happiness in three dimensions? Is this trip absolutely necessary? That womb was really comfortable. You mean I have to breathe again on my own?! Hey, wait just a few more minutes, please!!!

The Fool, evolving consciousness, is usually always ready for a brand new adventure in another dimension that might be somewhat limiting in its actual limitless potential. According to my studies, Uranus is our skin, our coat of many colors, which is the largest breathing organ we possesses that helps to rid our bodies of the many toxins and impurities and helps to sustain our life on the planet.

A painting of the Fool is over my computer table as I write. My stepsister Ginger had her husband Hector’s cousin in Columbia paint it for me as a gift back in the 1970s. It is one of my prize possessions and is always above me to remind me of the limitless possibilities ahead of me and all around me--for everyone. Uranus is our unlimited potential in need of expression and development. And in my chart I happen to have Uranus in Taurus in my 7th house opposite my Sun and Mercury in Scorpio in the 1st house square my Leo Moon in the 10th house. I suppose you could say I’m a bit of a rebel. I have had to learn many of my lessons the hard way. But I don’t suppose that makes me much different from many of you! Just thought I’d point that out.

Take a look at the two Tarot cards above. Key 4, The Emperor, for one thing, is ARIES, which is the constellation through which Uranus is now transiting. Aries is ruled by the planet MARS, god of War and Destruction. Now it seems to me that Uranus in Aries is going to manifest in part as some sort of WAR, which we just entered into with the Dictator Gaddafi in Libya this week. Yet another war yet! The Emperor is in fact a warrior. Aries is in fact a warrior of some type, like it or not. All you Aries think about that! What is your personal crusade? Your battle? You no doubt have one or several you’re dealing with right now.

Now, on Key 4, The Emperor, we see an older man who has faced many battles in the course of his existence. Maturity is often required to lead. There's a hint! You don’t see many young men as generals or admirals, do you? They usually have at least a few gray hairs, which were earned. In my Tarot training, this key rules government, rulers, leaders, bosses, supervisors, dictators, the possibility of promotion and advancement, besides the human ability to create a NEW REALITY.

Aries rules the head, eyes and vision. What you envision for yourself with URANUS in ARIES is likely to be your NEW REALITY, so take the time to use care in thinking about what you want to create. On the other hand, Uranus in Aries will no doubt CHANGE many GOVERNMENT LEADERS all around our planet. Look at what is going on in the Middle East in several different countries right now! The Uranus in Aries pattern has already been set into motion for a certainty. Each of us needs to remind ourselves that all these patterns have been developing in the world for many years. The eternal pattern is CHANGE. Nothing ever remains the same for long. The only constant in 3-dimensional life is CHANGE.

The Hebrew letter Heh is assigned to Key 4, the Emperor, which translates as window.  Do we not consider the eyes as the windows of the soul? These thoughts will be considered in greater detail later as they pertain to you, the individual. Meditate on these two Keys and take notes. You will learn a great deal by making the effort.

My website: www.patriciamclaine.com is where you will find lots of important FREE information on the Tarot. My phone number: 703-373-7353 to set up a reading. 

Check by in a few days and I'll write more on this. Good luck in revolutionizing your life for the better. Good luck with all your new beginnings with URANUS in ARIES!  JUPITER in ARIES is on the move and will only truly help out until June. But URANUS in ARIES is going to CHANGE a whole lot of things over the next 7 years! Enjoy the excitement!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Key 3, THE EMPRESS, is VENUS, Goddess of Love, Patroness of the Arts, the pregnant Mother of the Tarot. THE EMPRESS represents all the Goddess figures as a symbol of the DIVINE MOTHER who readily expresses LOVE and forgiveness to all her children. MEDITATION ON THIS KEY ALONE BRINGS THE EXPERIENCE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO THE ASPIRANT.

In astrology, VENUS is known as the Lesser Benefic, and JUPITER, Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is known as the Greater Benefic. Where VENUS expresses the LOVE of the Mother, human or Divine, JUPITER expresses the COMPASSION and MERCY of the Father. Hand in hand, these energies are capable of transforming the entire world and the lives of all sentient beings. What the world seems to need right now, in my opinion, is a gigantic dose of these two energetic properties, MEGA LOVE and MEGA COMPASSION.

THE HIEROPHANT, Key 5, is ruled by the planet VENUS. In my Tarot Tradition, Key 5 is TAURUS, the second sign of the Zodiac that rules the second house of mundane astrology, which governs money and values. The law of TAURUS is the Law of Spring as Mother Nature's abundance can be seen everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere where the mysteries first evolved. There is nothing cheap about Nature unless one of the four elements happen to be over or under-abundant: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Any of the four elements out of control create havoc for everyone. And when the elements are out of control in an individual soul, there is also usually hell to pay.

The blessing of Key 5, THE HIEROPHANT, is INTUITION. This is our ability to LISTEN to the STILL SMALL VOICE WITHIN. This Silent Voice speaks to the cells of our body. TAURUS rules sensuality and the ability to hear words as well as what may not necessarily be said. Rather it is a hunch, feeling, sense of something being right or wrong. Everyone has some INTUITION. It is just that some pay more attention to their intuition than others and they benefit as well. The ability to pay close attention is something to cultivate the same as the Earth of Taurus may be cultivated to bring forth greater abundance in the harvest of plants and crops. The crops of the spirit also need to be be cultivated and harvested: the spiritual gifts of Creativity.

Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is JUPITER, the GREAT PROTECTOR. The JUPITER CENTER at the SOLAR PLEXUS is associated with "gut instincts."  PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOUR JUPITER CENTER TELLS YOU, especially through THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE. If you listen, you will be protected from yourself as well as from others with ill intentions. You will not only be protected from dangers and harm, but from your own ignorance in regard to your choices or decisions. JUPITER is always ready to offer assistance  as the Father of the Gods. Your JUPITER CHAKRA is your direct connection to this principle in CREATION.  Please LISTEN to your gut!

Isn't it interesting how LOVE can frequently 'get us' in the gut? A sexual attraction to a potential love object has been known to make some lose their appetite. The lovesick may have trouble eating while coping with butterflies in the stomach.  Romantic love teaches us about the principles of HIGHER LOVE, even though it's mostly raging hormones.  I always say it's a cosmic conspiracy to keep the planet populated and keep providing souls with bodies to work out their karma. Yet, romantic love eventually teaches us about the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE.  You are LOVE INCARNATE. That is what you need to GET on an everyday CONSCIOUS LEVEL.

Poverty of spirit creates poverty in fact. ABUNDANCE is the LAW OF LIFE. You need to GET that, too. It is usually true that we have everything we need at any given time. If we NEED more, then we are truly capable of CREATING MORE in our lives. Creativity is rewarded.  Key 3, THE EMPRESS, rules IMAGINATION. Your ability to IMAGINE is what CREATED the LIFE you are living now. Think back to when you longed for or dreamed about something you have or are experiencing in your life NOW. What do you want to experience next? IMAGINE IT AND IT WILL BE YOURS...sometime, somewhere, in the Divine Plan.

JUPITER EXPANDS VENUS. The Father makes the Mother feel good about herself, and the opposite is also true. COMPASSION is the greater part of LOVE. COMPASSION FORGIVES US FOR OUR MISTAKES AND HELPS US TO LEARN FROM THEM. If you feel unloved or unwanted, MEDITATE on this tableau, and that empty feeling will leave you and be replaced by the tremendous LOVE THAT ETERNALLY EXISTS AT YOUR CORE. 

BE CREATIVE.  LOVE YOURSELF AND LOVE LIFE!  After all, money can't buy you love! And LOVE is something you can always take with you wherever you go!