REINCARNATION - Evolution of the Soul
In my Qabalistic tradition, the sign of LEO, Key 8, STRENGTH, among other things, represents REINCARNATION. The Astrological 5th House in the mundane horoscope is LEO, the house of youthful romance, children, theater, sports, recreation, and even politics. This is the position of GENERATION and REGENERATION on the Stage of Life. You can think of it as the role in which you are cast for your present lifetime. It is interesting to note that I've been taught that we come in through the 9th house (Sagittarius in mundane astrology), live our lives through the 1st house (Aries in mundane astrology) and we go out through the 5th house after completing our sojourn in the 4th house at the end of our life. In that sense, the 5th house is our exit from this life and our entrance upon another stage in the Evolution of the Soul, hopefully, a vacation from the hustle bustle of earthly life for at least few years.
There are varying opinions as to how long it is before the soul REINCARNATES. In some Buddhist circles they say the soul reincarnates within 48 hours or two days. Another sect claims that the soul attaches to a new embryo within 49 days in preparation for another lifetime on the planet. Even the Buddhists believe that we choose our parents and our new life situations in order to fulfill our new destiny. At the Builders of the Adytum where I was a student for 20 years I was told that evolving souls tend to stay out of the body for twice as many years as they were in a body on the planet. I like that idea, considering all the chaos on the planet at the current time. Masters are known to stay on the Inner Planes for 500 to 1,000 years. Now that is really smart, in my opnion. Life in a physical body is not all fun and games as the 5th house of LEO suggests.
Actually, Key 8, STRENGTH, also represents the POWER OF SUGGESTION that is so popular with all the life coaches encouraging people to visualize for the best for their lives, and of course, people should. It often requires childlike imagining and pretending to make life better, in addition to childlike faith in oneself and the future. This Key of the Tarot Major Arcana also involves developing strength of character, the courage and fortitude of LEO, the Lion, King of the Beasts. Young children have that sort of courage if they're not beaten down and discouraged through poor parenting, but that may also be the karma of the soul involved in such a situation. Obstacles and challenges grow the soul. How many children do you know who gave up on learning how to walk after taking a few steps and falling on his or her tush? I doubt you hear many children saying, "I'm never trying that again!" How about learning to tie their shoes? I remember I had to try that again and again before my fingers finally seemed to move in the right way, but I'm awfully glad my mother made me learn and I certainly felt very proud when I finally did it right! In meeting the challenges of adult life we often have to become as a child again or at least to call upon our childlike determination and enthusiasm to see us through some patterns.
The number 8 is the number of Infinity and of the octave of sound that creates everything, including you and me as the atoms of life vibrate to sustain all Creation. Interestingly, our solar systems moves through a figure 8 as it revolves and evolves through our galaxy in an astrological age. Key 8, LEO, also rules the spine wherein the Kundalini universal evolutionary is active or dormant, as the case may be. It is the rousing and refining of the Kundalini serpent power through your seven sacred chakras that transforms you from an ordinary mortal into an eventual Master of life. The 8th house of the zodiac is Scorpio which rules the sexual organs and the energy necessary for all members of the animal kingdom to reproduce so that souls might evolve and reincarnate. Children again. Reproduction. Evolution.
Key 10, the WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is JUPITER, our protector planet, the principles of earthly and Universal Law that governs all forms of life and Creation itself. The principles of EVOLUTION are depicted in the symbology on this key with the symbols for the four fixed signs of the Zodiac in the four corners. Upper right is the Eagle, higher symbol of SCORPIO, the power of reproduction and transformation. Lower right is the symbol of the lion for LEO, which represents the heart and the spine, for without a normal heart a human being cannot exist on the planet, with the highest aspect of the heart being LOVE and COMPASSION. In the lower left corner is the bull of TAURUS, which rules our ability to hear and to speak, primarily human traits on the evolutionary path of Spirit. Communication through speech is the privilege of humankind. In the upper left corner is the human angel for the sign of AQUARIUS, the sign of Humanity itself. And it seems to me that many mortals on the planet have not yet reached the point of being called truly human or humane. The human race is still evolving toward that universal level of existence.
Key 19, THE SUN, represents the SUN itself, which is the source of light and life on our planet. Primitive man worshipped the Sun as the source of light and warmth and life. This Key also represents the ability of each human being to reach SELF REALIZATION on the evolutionary path through the process of reincarnating on a higher and higher level of the evolutionary spiral with each new lifetime by performing good works and living an exemplary life. All true spiritual Masters are Heart Masters, known as Masters of Compassion. This is the Buddhist principle of the Bodhisattva, the Heart Master. This is the level all shall reach one day.
Please enjoy your journey!