On August 11, 2015, the planet JUPITER, represented in Tarot by Key 10, THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE, enters the Constellation of VIRGO, indicated by Key 9, THE HERMIT, for the period of a year. JUPITER is considered by many to be in a weakened position in the sign of VIRGO, since it co-rules the opposite sign of PISCES. PISCES rules emotional health, sleep and dreams, and VIRGO rules physical health, particularly the intestinal tract where health and/or illness is often known to commence. Every VIRGO individual, in addition to everyone really, needs to learn to eat right in order to provide the body and the mind with sufficient nutrients to maintain a healthy and fulfilling existence while on the planet.
VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY, represented in the Tarot by Key 1, THE MAGICIAN, the intellect or conscious mind that has all the tools necessary at its disposal to live a purposeful and meaningful life: to include the will and enthusiasm of the Wands, the feelings and emotions of the Cups, the freedom of choice of the Swords, and the practical applications in life indicated by the Pentacles. The powers of Fire, Air, Earth and Water active in each and every life. Since VIRGO is ruled by MERCURY, and the Key Words for VIRGO are I ANALYZE, just about everyone should make a serious effort to make thoughtful and meaningful decisions during the coming year, for THE HERMIT is also assigned to the Hebrew letter Yod that represents the Hand of God. Divine Direction will be more than evident to each of us during the coming year, in the lives of individuals as well as in the roles of nations as a whole. Please take the time to analyze your own actions and words and the actions and words of others to avoid pitfalls and pain along the way. Each of us has done and said things that we wish we could take back later and that we sincerely regret. Try to make thoughtful decisions during the coming year.
Since JUPITER rules HIGHER MIND and HIGHER EDUCATION and VIRGO rules elementary education, we should see dramatic changes for the better in terms of educational systems the world over. Higher ideals and purposes should more easily be made manifest to people of various classes and distinctions. This means it will also be an excellent time to further educate yourself whether that means going back to school to gain a higher educational degree or just taking workshops, attending lectures, or reading lots of books that enlighten and educate your mind.
On another level this could also relate to becoming more conscious in terms of the foods you eat, and this might seriously impact the deceitful practice by some as regards the labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms, basically known as GMOs. Many nations around the world are already recognizing the dangers associated with messing with Mother Nature when it comes down to the food we eat. Progress may be made in this regard during the transit of JUPITER in VIRGO, although there are other planetary aspects that might well impede the making of such progress.
Travel for educational purposes should be commonplace for many during the coming year. It will be an excellent time to return to basics, perhaps to reread some books you read many years earlier to gain a better understanding now. And if not this summer, then perhaps next summer you can grow your own organic garden and benefit thereby. VIRGOS only need to be careful about gaining weight. Watch the sweets and starches, please, and you should be just fine!