Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The planet JUPITER is currently transiting through the Constellation of LEO, the sign of GENERATION and REGENERATION in terms of the teachings of the Sacred Tarot. LEO is the sign that rules the heart, spine, and upper back. In terms of the spiritual evolution of the individual soul, it is when the Kundalini energy has reached the Heart Center or Chakra that true spiritual development starts to take place on a higher level, thus freeing the evolutionary energy of the Cosmos to rise higher through the centers in the throat to the Third Eye (in the Pineal gland in the brain situated behind the forehead) ultimately to reach the Crown Chakra (the Thousand Petal Lotus at the top of the head) where COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS either swiftly or eventually takes place. 

In the Western mystery school tradition this experience is sometimes referred to as the Completion of the Great Work, since the Kundalini or Serpent energy has risen from the charka at the base of the spine all the way to the Crown. The Heart Center, however, is a very important mid-point for the spiritual energy to express as the ability to love unconditionally and to express full and complete compassion. All spiritual Masters are known as Heart Masters or Masters of Compassion. 

Key 8, STRENGTH, which rules the sign of LEO, the eternal child in each and every one of us, is also referred to as the POWER OF SUGGESTION. "Monkey see...monkey do." The child tends to imitate their parents and other family members in terms of words and actions and also in terms of character patterns. The individual born under the sign of LEO tends to be basically STRONG, COURAGEOUS and NOBLE in terms of basic character traits. Honesty is extremely important. The transit of JUPITER, Key 10, here emphasizes the need for greater understanding in terms of affairs of the heart as well as greater understanding of the child within. Nurture the eternal child within you. Try not to be critical and faultfinding, since criticism tends to destroy the feelings of love others may feel for us. If you want to damage the feelings of your spouse or your lover, then by all means tell them what you think is wrong with them. Otherwise, still your own negativity, and try to remember, that without the beating of your heart there would be no life left in your body and you would soon be leaving this plane of existence. 

Exercise your heart on the physical plane as well as on emotional terms during the transit of JUPITER in LEO, and your ability to feel and express love will greatly expand and grow in capacity. My spiritual teacher Ann Davies used to say that 'even unrequited love is better than no love at all,' so learn to forgive those who seem to have rejected your love. Perhaps he or she has not yet developed the capacity to love. Not every soul is actually able to love, sad but true. With JUPITER here everyone will have the ability to reach greater understanding of the nature of love in oneself and in others. Kindness is important in any expression of love. Kindness is an aspect of love.

The trine of the planet URANUS to JUPITER over the next year will be especially favorable to financial patterns in the world at large and to an acceleration of consciousness in those ready for such an experience. If you MEDITATE during this time, you are likely to experience a heightened awareness not only during your meditations but at nearly all times. HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS is accelerating for all souls in any way ready for the experience. 

Travel with family and children should be particularly joyful at this time. I wish you every joy and success during the transit of JUPITER in LEO. 



Friday, May 9, 2014


As we complete the transit of the protective planet JUPITER in the sign of CANCER, HUMANITY, collectively and individually, is enabled to raise their consciousness to a much higher level of awareness and to a much greater level of sensitivity that could be extremely beneficial to our individual and collective advancement and evolutionary growth. The JUPITER CENTER in the human body is located in the CANCER region of the body, the stomach area or Solar Plexus, the body's brain. This is the area of sometimes strong intuitive insights or warnings. It is when we get those gut feelings that tell us to either move forward or to avoid certain people or situations. When something doesn't feel right in our midsection, we shouldn't really do it. The Higher Self is trying to warn us in order to spare us from further pain or suffering during our current growth cycle of incarnation in a physical body or chariot. Your body is the chariot of your soul and life always seems to go much more smoothly when the Charioteer of the Higher Self is in control of our mind and of our lower emotions, since out of control emotions often lead to our ruination or at least to a minor downfall on the path of life.

On Key 7, THE CHARIOT, the Major Arcana Key for CANCER, the reigns governing the sphinxes of mind and emotion are invisible. The chariot of the body is driven forth by the Wheels of Fortune, the wheels of the law of physical manifestation under the benevolent auspices of JUPITER, exalted in CANCER, Father of the Gods, and determinant of the more fortunate aspects of our Karma in a given lifetime.

The current problem, however, is that JUPITER is dancing and completing a GRAND CARDINAL CROSS/SQUARE with PLUTO, URANUS and MARS, so that our transformations and growth are being forced in a sometimes dramatic or disruptive fashion, perhaps not entirely to our liking. It seems that we have to take our present tests (or medicine) in the hope of passing in order to move on to the next grade or stage of our lives. Just remember that JUPITER is the Great Protector and Benefactor in spite of all outward appearances to the contrary. At least when JUPITER moves on into LEO it will trine URANUS and provide some reason for least for the moment!

703-373-7353   Let your motto be....THIS TOO SHALL PASS!