In my training at the Builders of the Adytum, The Temple of Sacred Tarot and Holy Qabalah, Key 5, The Hierophant (or Pope) is assigned to the sign of TAURUS. The parts of the body ruled by Taurus are the ears, neck, lower jaw, larnyx and esophagus. It is through the Taurus portion of the body that human beings are able to hear and to speak in order to express their thoughts and their feelings. The ears are a very important consideration in connection with the spiritual axiom: LISTEN TO THE STILL SMALL VOICE WITHIN. On the other hand, TAURUS is a fixed Earth sign that is known to be highly sensual in nature, and the fact of the matter is, INTUITION, governed by this Key of the Tarot Major Arcana, "speaks" to us through the cells of our body. It is the "feelings" or "hunches" we get that tend to help to guide us along the truly right path in our individual lives. Pay close attention to your instincts and feelings at all times and you will not regret it.
The Wheel of Fortune, Key 10, is JUPITER, the Greater Benefic as it is known in astrology, and JUPITER is exalted in the sign of Cancer which governs the stomach, and on a more spiritual level governs the chakra at the Solar Plexus. This spiritual center also has a great deal to do with our basic instincts and with receiving higher guidance from the more subtle realms of the Inner Planes. It is a matter of listening to our "gut" we might say, since the solar plexus is the 'body's brain.' Has anyone ever said or done something to you that made you feel as though you had been hit in your solar plexus or stomach? Have you ever been emotionally upset to the point where you couldn't eat or tended to eat too much? The Solar Plexus, or JUPITER chakra, is the spiritual center of POWER. Most souls need to learn to govern their emotions (associated with this center) before they can truly move up into the higher expressions of LOVE and COMPASSION associated with the Heart Chakra, of ultimately, the Masters of Compassion.
In the natal horoscope, JUPITER represents gifts or rewards, and sometimes the easy way out in our idnvidudal charts. The area in which we may express ourselves with the greatest ease and accomplishment. The place where we may actually be 'gifted.' JUPITER is HIGHER MIND, the Higher Self, guiding us on our paths. Therefore, perhaps you can see how the transit of JUPITER in TAURUS is a true blessing, perhaps more especially for those born with the SUN in TAURUS. And yet, for all of us, actually, in some respect.
The transit of JUPITER in TAURUS is an opportunity for every soul living on the planet to expand or refine his or her INTUITION and gain a greater connection or awareness of HIGHER MIND or the Higher Self, which is where every soul is ultimately headed someday in some lifetime. Of course, individual charts need to be taken into consideration, although we are all cells in the greater life of the planet and of the solar system and of the Universe in which we live and have our Being. Therefore, we all may participate in the general expansion of consciousness with this transit.
During this transit it is an excellent time for meditation and any other sort of practice that expands the mind. It is a good time for any level of study or education in your chosen field to enhance your talents and skills in almost any area of expression to bring great happiness to yourself and to others. This is also an excellent time to save money and to have a practical attitude toward spending in general. The current trine of JUPITER with PLUTO should also help to improve the economy in general during this year and most of next.
Tremendous spiritual growth is possible at this time, so please try to apply yourself in that direction and you will not be disappointed. Listen to the Hierophant, your true INTUITION, and expand your awareness of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS in order to be of service to yourself and to all, thereby assisting in your spiritual evolution and the spiritual evolution of all sentient beings on our magnificent planet!